
SMS Price List

See our Price List Below or Use the Price Calculator
SMS Pricing

We offers SMS at wholesale prices with a sliding scale for bulk purchases.

Generally 1 SMS Message will cost you 1 SMS Credit. Please see our network coverage list here.

₦ 2.15
₦ 21,500 (Buy Now!)
Credit Volume (Quantity)Price in NairaFree Bonus Added
Registration + 10 test creditsFREEN/A
100 - 4,999₦ 2.35No promo running
5,000 - 9,999₦ 2.25No promo running
10,000 - 49,999₦ 2.15No promo running
50,000 - 5,000,000₦ 2.05No promo running

SMSLive247.com is an iDevWorks Technologies Service.

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